British science journal Nature on April 13 before, and land pollution until the end of the first nuclear power plant decommissioning and around Hukuzima TEPCO coming decades, in some cases take years and 100 specialists article summarizes the views presented.Articles are based on multiple expert opinion joined Mile Island nuclear accident occurred in the process the United States in 1979, takes a long time on the removal of radioactive materials, including fuel in the furnace is seen to have been damaged noted that longer time is needed before they can proceed to check the status in the reactor cooling.The characteristics of boiling-water reactor it is placed in pipes and valves and the complexity of many damaged by the explosion and that the crane and to carry away the spent fuel, nuclear waste Hukushima 1 The furnace and opinions about them as much more difficult task Mile Island nuclear accident.Also be required to process large amounts of contaminated water than Mile Island nuclear accident, nuclear reactor exploded in 1986, has until 2065 to take measures to terminate the final decontamination pointed out that measures will be needed as well as decontamination of the former Soviet Union Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Geiger counter
Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown that fact?
TEPCO and the government had covered up
Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
The question of radiation data, Ibaraki Environmental Radiation Monitoring Center
What happens happens in the world nuclear power plant second coming Hukushima
SPEEDI Meteorological Society of Japan
Strengthen monitoring of contaminated water level rise
Primary government Fukushima, now 50 minutes after notification of the situation
Low-level release of contaminated water, even today the primary end Hukushima
The first nuclear power plant began 10 days Hukushima high levels of contaminated water transport
High concentrations of polluted water originating in Fukushima, also remove difficulties
Nuclear accident Hukuzima see the end, the primary impetus to the movement of anti
During the height of tsunami waves surged in the Fukushima nuclear power plant was 14 to 15 m
TEPCO announced the thing to expose some of the fuel rods in Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant on March 12 morning
Nitrogen implantation followed by removal of contaminated water work
Strengthen monitoring of contaminated water level rise
The rise of radioactive material in the northern Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
Contamination of water and wastewater to the work of the Unit 2 nuclear power plant
Work has stalled the processing of high concentrations of polluted water
Trimmed ready to move high levels of contaminated water condenser
Debris was removed using heavy equipment unattended Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
Nuclear accident can not see a convergence month
High levels of contaminated water to begin transfer operations