Accident at a nuclear power plant Fukushima Daiichi TEPCO to work to move the condenser water contaminated with radioactive material concentrated behind in the tunnel known as trench No. 2, on March 11, 2011 is expected to begin.The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is a large amount of water was found contaminated with high levels of radioactive material from a trench in the turbine building, I also become a source of high radiation doses. Has become a way of working towards the recovery of the nuclear power plant cooling. TEPCO polluted water accumulated in the trenches of Unit 2 is a first discharge for the high concentration, particularly using the pump Kumi上Ge policy is transferred to the Unit 2 condenser. Under the direction of the country so that all possible safety considerations, there is no mosquito net 10 days to crack the condenser, during a transport emergency, and had to check if the response from a leaking hose . Work in the morning is over 11, work will begin as soon as ready. In addition, the level of Unit 2 trenches since stopped the outflow of contaminated water into the sea of high levels of 06 to 13 cm rise by 7:00 am on December 11, height 91 cm from the surface to the ground has become. TEPCO, the situation now is full of carefully monitored as there continues. In addition, it has become contaminated water accumulate high levels of "centralized waste treatment facility" from the process of releasing contaminated water into the sea in relatively low concentrations, the release date according to the 9070 t 10 you're done with you, but make sure that no water is left. Meanwhile, No. 1, to avoid in advance the risk of hydrogen explosion, they were continued 11 days the task of injecting nitrogen gas into the containment, so far, abnormalities such as temperature and pressure of the reactor, he said is. The work is scheduled to begin August 11, called silt fence provided cover to reduce runoff of radioactive materials into the sea near the Unit 2 intake of contaminated water had flowed.
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Geiger counter
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TEPCO and the government had covered up
Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
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SPEEDI Meteorological Society of Japan
Strengthen monitoring of contaminated water level rise
Primary government Fukushima, now 50 minutes after notification of the situation
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Nitrogen implantation followed by removal of contaminated water work
Strengthen monitoring of contaminated water level rise
The rise of radioactive material in the northern Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
Contamination of water and wastewater to the work of the Unit 2 nuclear power plant
Work has stalled the processing of high concentrations of polluted water
Trimmed ready to move high levels of contaminated water condenser
Debris was removed using heavy equipment unattended Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant