TEPCO has 10 days to undertake the removal of contaminated water trapped in a high concentration of radioactive materials and nuclear power plant Unit 2 turbine building first Fukushima. First, move the tank in the building. Then, waste disposal facilities will also include intensive. Low levels of contaminated water was released into the facility after a 10 day sea a few days to put contaminated water - at high levels over one week after the inspection. Likely to recover, including the ability to work safely in the reactor building. High concentrations of polluted water in the Unit 2 turbine building from the 10th, condenser is called to move the tank. Wed entering the condenser was transferred to another tank too much finished at 1:00 pm Tuesday. From a waste treatment facility that contains the approximately 30,000 tons during the low-level contaminated water discharged into the sea. Low-level contaminated water 5-6 Unit put up near the sea until around 7:00 pm about 09 to 1300 tons.8 to 09 m in height to prevent the spread of contaminated water from the sea near the Unit 2 intake and started work on installation of steel water stop four meters wide. In the Unit 1 containment to prevent hydrogen explosion, which continues to inject nitrogen.
Geiger counter
Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown that fact?
TEPCO and the government had covered up
Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
The question of radiation data, Ibaraki Environmental Radiation Monitoring Center
What happens happens in the world nuclear power plant second coming Hukushima
SPEEDI Meteorological Society of Japan
Strengthen monitoring of contaminated water level rise
Primary government Fukushima, now 50 minutes after notification of the situation
Low-level release of contaminated water, even today the primary end Hukushima
High concentrations of polluted water originating in Fukushima, also remove difficulties
Nuclear accident Hukuzima see the end, the primary impetus to the movement of anti
During the height of tsunami waves surged in the Fukushima nuclear power plant was 14 to 15 m
TEPCO announced the thing to expose some of the fuel rods in Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant on March 12 morning
Nitrogen implantation followed by removal of contaminated water work
Strengthen monitoring of contaminated water level rise
The rise of radioactive material in the northern Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
Contamination of water and wastewater to the work of the Unit 2 nuclear power plant
Work has stalled the processing of high concentrations of polluted water
Trimmed ready to move high levels of contaminated water condenser
Debris was removed using heavy equipment unattended Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
Nuclear accident can not see a convergence month
High levels of contaminated water to begin transfer operations