SPEEDIradiation effects data network system predicting rapid emergency Government's decision to purposely did not disclose a while,I felt a little scary.TEPCO hiding information structure is easy to imagine the principal,
SPEEDI government would delay publication of bad data.
SPEEDI that the fiscal 2010 budget is being budgeted 780 million yen,Things that have budgets of only this year,
This system is proof of the things I fear are running with confidence in its own way.Why did not reveal that the thin SPEEDI reliable data calculated by the question feels bit.
Once published since the circumstances were not disclosed quite unnatural.Agency as saying the forecast is not intended to examine the influence of neighboring countries,
A rough calculation in every 100 square kilometers,
The disaster could be used for domestic nuclear power is that we have not.SPEEDI is easy to see this thing you look for, they got this system are built in cooperation with local
Not a pretty big system, half-assembled systems which are not for fun.Believe should be the correct inference of the computer.
Data is not accurate and the President of Niino Hiroshi Also renowned professors, researchers at the Meteorological Society of Japan Member,Notifications were going to ask you to refrain from the publication of research results to predict the effect of spreading radioactive material into the atmosphere.
There are also quite scary, which is government-led group,
I would've done much more than information control.As you count backward from this thing came up one after another in a variety of information is a serious nuclear power plant,Despite the big event happened, put a suitable reason, delayed detection,
It's a mere man-made mistakes I have been hiding.Fusegu situation for the injection of nitrogen in the hydrogen explosion containment vessel in a dangerous situation going on April 7, 2011. Things this means the situation is getting worse every day things that are,
Steam explosion of the building at the time of the first things that the situation was pretty bad.The crisis is no longer comparable to Chernobyl and the media clearly reported.
Now expand the hydrogen explosion in the containment vessel would indicate that it is a matter of time.I hope that's the worst thing is groundless,Population within 300km from the primary Hukushima that it will get away immediately.Currently, Do you know the things that actually cause recriticality?Substance called chlorine-38 that occurs when a substance that caused the critical.
The information seems to be spreading also because no government to speak Electric Power Company.It's a great person to deny the scholar, it does not occur because of the critical but not saying.
The recent trend is clear without saying a bad event,
When the report was made that they might be going on them,
Ever, do they remember all the bad situation was becoming.
Meltdown, damaged containers, leaking radiation biology laboratory, the whole thing is so important to detect and plutonium
I also noticed that it is reported as a sequel.
Prepared to decide, assuming the situation will happen even to stay close to Chernobyl,Might be more moved.If you live near Tokyo, is a decision would be better out now, so panic certainly happen.
A story that can not do anything at the discretion of individual decision to tell someone to leave, perhaps Has been heard since the nuclear power plant exploded in steam,I would recommend to persuade here again.Environment for people living within, we find the net in Fukushima,Chose to leave rather quickly from there, Remasu stochastically.Situation has changed a little early on the situation is getting worse.I fear that in a bad situation to prove a slight delay to the tempo of information and information control condition.
Geiger counter
Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown that fact?
TEPCO and the government had covered up
Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
The question of radiation data, Ibaraki Environmental Radiation Monitoring Center
What happens happens in the world nuclear power plant second coming Hukushima
Strengthen monitoring of contaminated water level rise
Primary government Fukushima, now 50 minutes after notification of the situation
Low-level release of contaminated water, even today the primary end Hukushima
The first nuclear power plant began 10 days Hukushima high levels of contaminated water transport
High concentrations of polluted water originating in Fukushima, also remove difficulties
Nuclear accident Hukuzima see the end, the primary impetus to the movement of anti
During the height of tsunami waves surged in the Fukushima nuclear power plant was 14 to 15 m
TEPCO announced the thing to expose some of the fuel rods in Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant on March 12 morning
Nitrogen implantation followed by removal of contaminated water work
Strengthen monitoring of contaminated water level rise
The rise of radioactive material in the northern Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
Contamination of water and wastewater to the work of the Unit 2 nuclear power plant
Work has stalled the processing of high concentrations of polluted water
Trimmed ready to move high levels of contaminated water condenser
Debris was removed using heavy equipment unattended Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
Nuclear accident can not see a convergence month
High levels of contaminated water to begin transfer operations