The first nuclear power plant accident by Hukuzima TEPCO, Hokkaido Electric Power Nuclear Safety Agency will be submitted to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in April 2011 a nuclear power plant safety for night emergency. Assuming 15 meters tsunami that struck the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima include plans to deploy a reserve aircraft and motor generators and pumps to move 31 meters height above sea level. Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, and all power failed and the emergency diesel generators and nuclear facilities outside wearing a tsunami 34, no longer operate the equipment used to cool the reactors and spent fuel storage pool. As a result, hydrogen explode, are expected to have been released into the atmosphere large quantities of radioactive material is damaged reactor. Given this situation, the ministry on March 30, for power companies to secure supply, heat removal capability and ensure the reactor's emergency safety measures to develop six fields and securing spent fuel storage pool cooling ordered. Three primary night, but in more than 10 meters above sea level along the coast, when the tsunami hit 15 meters, could damage the emergency diesel generators are installed each with two reactors each. Therefore, first deployed on a hill to go to one car generator already March 18. In case the pump motor failed and the reactor cooling water is circulated and also put a reserve aircraft to the new heights.
All power is even more unusable because the water pump equipped with an auxiliary steam power, and Hokkaido Electric Power has 冷Yaseru fuel rods in nuclear reactors. Stopped all supplies also stopped working when the fuel storage pool cooling spent in cool water with two fire engines.
Other long-term as a measure, or build a flood barrier in the grounds of the ocean side of the reactor building, and also consider giving work to prevent flooding at the entrance of the building. Hokkaido Electric Power can not be cooled properly reactor to make scattering radioactive material shall not "have to, experts have also pointed out such measures should be taken safely withstand the tsunami of 20 meters.
Apart from this Hokkaido Electric Power Institute under the direction of security on March 15, until May 16 to submit improvement plans for an external power supply.
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