Nuclear power plant Fukushima Daiichi TEPCO, even after they stopped water contaminated with radioactive material in high concentration flowed from the facility, called pit No. 2, the concentration of radioactive water is flowing into the polluted water significantly higher than national standards were still at the point located near the outlet will continue to rise in the north of the plant.The No. 2 Primary Fukushima Daiichi, which had continued outflow of water contaminated with radioactive material in high concentrations from the facility, called pits, the result of injecting drug special ground that the bleeding of water, in April too much runoff stopped at 5:30 am on December 6.Unit 2 near the intake of contaminated water had flowed, were examined to collect water at 9:00 am on April 08, TEPCO, equivalent to 3000 times the reference value of 20,000 required by law, 1cc per iodine-131 was detected in 930 becquerels.The concentration of iodine-131 in seawater collected in this place, the reference value was 750 million times on April 2, on April 06 to 14 million times the reference value, on July 4 is the reference 60,000 and 3,000 times the value, the number continues to decrease, followed by extremely high concentrations.Meanwhile, the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima, the evening of April 4, followed by the release of contaminated water in relatively low concentrations of radioactive material.At a point 30 meters around the north outlet of No. 6 and the No. 5 from the seawater was taken at 9:15 am on August 4, equivalent to 1,300 times the reference value, 1cc is detected 131 of iodine Becquerel 50 per Mashita.The concentration of iodine-131 in this point, the 6th April 1000 the reference value, the morning of 07 April they rise times of 2800 the reference value, the new numerical 下Garimashi from previous day or the Tokyo Electric Power is expected to continue on a rising trend.The survey in waters 15 kilometers offshore, April 8, is that not because of bad weather. Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency of the Ministry of Economy, is also conceivable that flows into the waters north of radioactive material. Radioactive materials released into the sea, we often do not know how to flow, such as more detailed monitoring at high concentrations, shows a view that I want to step up supervision.
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