The TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, working in a hurry to get rid of water contaminated with high concentrations of radioactive material has hindered the work. Of these, the Unit 2 trench After stopping the outflow of contaminated water to sea water trapped in the tunnel, called a high concentration, which rose 10 centimeters so far, TEPCO has strengthened monitoring.
The TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is not unusual for an earthquake the night of 7 facilities, and work is proceeding for the recovery of continued cooling. According to TEPCO, over the treatment of contaminated water that interferes with work, in that the first discharging contaminated water to accumulate high levels of basement Unit 2 turbine building first, Condenser Water is best removed as soon as work is over, condenser and centralized waste treatment facility is that you begin to move. In addition, the Unit 2 trench during the morning 09 the night of 8 water level of contaminated water a high concentration of trapped tunnels, called rose 1 cm further, since the stopped flow to the sea water level rise is 10 cm year. The height of the ground surface of the water from the trench, in that some 94 cm at seven o'clock on Thursday morning, the situation is not immediately filled, TEPCO and strengthen the monitoring of water level, water pollution leakage path in a hurry to identify what is leaking out from where. The central waste treatment facility work release contaminated water into the sea from a relatively low concentration has been continued to May 9, 7700 tons are released so far, leaving about 800 tons has been finished and released in 09 if all goes well. However, to avoid the danger of hydrogen explosion in advance, by injecting nitrogen gas into the work of the Unit 1 containment, 98% from previous 99.98% purity of the gas to increase, and nitrogen gas through the hydrogen and oxygen reduces to enter, and to reduce the risk of explosion. In Unit 1, at 7 pm seven days before the earthquake surface temperature of the reactor was 223.3 degrees, after the earthquake temporarily, but rose nearly 40 degrees at 6:00 am on October 9 240.5 down to degrees. Cause the temperature rose, so far not well understood, TEPCO has decided to continue to closely monitor the injection of nitrogen gas while. Additionally after 10, using a small unmanned helicopter equipped with infrared cameras, shooting conditions and equipment could not be confirmed until this has been to make use of the process for consideration for future work.
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